- In-game name
- Age
- Usual play time (MSK, GMT, PDT etc.)
19:00-23:00 GMT+2
- The degree of commitment / time spent in-game on daily basis etc.
It varies : used to be 3-4 hours a day, now it's been maybe one
- Preferred / best mech class
Light scouting Raven3L /heavy Cataphracht
- Whether you have a mic
- Where did you hear about the BSMC
MWO recruitment on forums
- Whether you played with BSMC members before
Not that i know
- Whether you have the undying hunger for cookies and world domination
BRING ON THE COOKIES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I enjoy MWO , looking for some awesome peeps to jam with

, been playing since open beta.
I also play other games. Diablo , Battlefield , Elite Dangerous, star Citizen to name a few.
We welcome any additional info you also choose to give.
Bring on the pain !